Las Mariposas

Las Mariposas

Las Mariposas Civil War Days – Education Day

The American Civil War was a particularly bloody period in the tumultuous history of the USA. It split the country down the middle and framed the abolitionist movement of the time, on one side the Confederacy (South) and on the other side the Union (North). Like all great battles in history, it has a particular resonance for the American people, who see the civil war as a titanic battle for freedom and liberty. Many people remember the fallen men and women in different ways, but in Mariposa, California, they have an event that immerses you right back in the conflict.

Tensions were escalating as a result of the anti-slavery movement in the 1850s, particularly in the Deep South where slavery was a huge industry for the owners of cotton plantations. President Abraham Lincoln was a central player in this story and was fiercely opposed to slavery, heading the abolitionist movement. Many efforts were made to hammer out a peace settlement and avoid war with the South, but nothing materialised. War was inevitable.

This war was a watershed moment in many ways, as it signalled the movement to mechanised warfare. Mass-production was starting to become more prevalent and new killing machines were used with greater accuracy on the battlefields. Because of this new technology the causalities were enormous, and the conflict remains the most deadly in the USA's history, with over 750,000 soldiers estimated to have died between 1861 – 1865.

Now there is an event in Mariposa, California, on April 13th 2013 that re-enacts some of the most telling events in the chronology of the fighting. You can get a real sense of what the American Civil War was really like, as historians and enthusiasts take you on a guided tour through a bygone era, using a variety of live demonstrations and story-telling to communicate the full spectrum of the war.

The event goes by the name of ‘Las Mariposas Civil War Days – Education Day' and there are so many exciting things to see and do. All the while you can feed your mind with interesting factual information and interactive tours, such as: Infantry Demonstrations, Live Artillery and Cavalry Demonstrations. You can also carry out a make-believe Q & A with notable figures like President Lincoln, President Davis, General Grant, General Lee and Colonel Fremantle. Then try your hand at being a blacksmith for an hour or if that does not tickle your fancy there is always the pony express!

Event Information: